Over the past two and a half years, we have posted 150 times to this blog, attracting over 40,000 page views. Very small by national standards, but we're proud of our readership.
On a daily basis, we know that many of our readers scan and absorb fresh content by:
- checking their email(s);
- perusing their news feeds;
- browsing several on-line newspapers and trade publications;
- surfing their social media feeds;
- actually reading a home-delivered newspaper (old school); and
- occasionally watching news on television or the Internet.
Going over some of our first posts was painful; the posts were soooo long, laden with detailed links. When we first started blogging, I think we tried to publish a law review article in each post.
As a result, no one read past the first 3 paragraphs and we were only able to produce one or two posts a month. That is no way to develop a readership.
When blogging, less is more. Get to the point; stick to the point.
Thanks to our readers that have hung in there over the years. We appreciate your feedback and comments. Please keep them coming. For our part, we will continue to deliver frequent relevant law-related content for your perusal.