One of our concerns here at the Law Blogger is that the Michigan voting public does not know much, if anything, about the candidates for the Michigan Supreme Court.
Supreme Court Justice Robert P. Young, Jr.'s seat is up for grabs in this election. This is one of the most important races in this Tuesday's election.
In addition to Justice Young who is trying to remain among Michigan's top jurists, three trial judges are vying for the spot.
The Detroit Free Press has posted interviews with all 4 of the judicial candidates. The interviews are linked below for the convenient reference of our readers.
This post ties into our post from last week, discussing whether our judges should be elected at all. Presently, our state constitution calls for all judges to be elected on a non-partisan ballot. Our concern is that voters do not have any idea for whom they are voting when it comes to the non-partisan ballot.
This also was the concern of our fellow Oakland Press blogger and political pundit, Tim Skubick, in his recent post to Skoop's Blog.
Therefore, we thought it would be a good idea to try supplementing the publicity of the Freep interviews of the four Supreme Court candidates. Please listen to the candidates before you vote on Tuesday.
Judge Denise Langford Morris
Judge Mary Beth Kelly
Judge Alton Davis
Justice Robert Young, Jr.
These links are supplied courtesy of the Michigan Lawyer; the excellent blog of the Michigan Lawyer's Weekly, a law-related newspaper.