Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

More on the Chevron refinery CBA.

Here's a copy of the so-called CBA entered into between the City of Richmond and Chevron last week (so-called because, like the Yankee Stadium CBA, no community groups helped to negotiate it).

The agreement sets out more than $60 million in benefits, but it's a bit light on the oversight provisions (there should be provisions for public oversight, and at a minimum the agreement should have provided for public dissemination of reports prepared by Chevron and the city). There are also no real benchmarks--no requirements for local hiring or goals for the number of people that the city hopes to enroll in pre apprenticeship programs.

Interestingly, like the Yankee Stadium agreement, a good portion of the money ($10 million) is going to be put into a community trust fund to be administered by a committee consisting of city and Chevron appointees. Hopefully this committee can avoid some of the problems that the Yankee Stadium fund advisory panel has had with delayed distribution of funding.
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