The project will create about 30 construction jobs and about a dozen additional permanent full time jobs. The CBA commits Peninsula to hiring locally, with a minimum goal of 20% for both minority and local hiring. After construction is completed, Peninsula has pledged to notify local residents of available jobs.
Peninsula will also operate a 24-hour hotline where residents can report complaints about truck traffic or odors. And the company has agreed to use truck routes that bypass neighboring communities as much as possible.
Once the project is up and running, Peninsula has agreed to give up to 1,000 tons of compost to the coalition community groups and residents.
The zoning board of adjustment approved of the project on February 27, just before the CBA was announced. Construction is expected to commence later this year, after the project has gone through the environmental permitting process.
Thanks to Marvin Thomas of the Southbridge Civic Association for getting me a copy of the CBA. It's available here.